Privacy Policy



Essential Details

  • Unless you are a participant in a degree, a specific MasterTrack programme, or in a different situation that has been made known to you, in which case Toronto School of Technology and Strategy is the data processor, Toronto School of Technology and Strategy, Inc. is the entity that decides the means and purposes of collecting, using, and disclosing the personal information.
  • We gather the personal data listed in the “What Information We Collect” section of this Privacy Notice, which includes information about how you register for an account (such as your name and email), information about the Content Offerings you participate in, survey information (where you provide it), identity verification data, and data about how you use our site and Services.
  • We use your personal information for the reasons listed in the “How We Use the Information” section of this Privacy Notice below, which include giving you access to our site and Services, maintaining the security and functionality of our site, conducting research into Content Offerings, sharing information with our Content Providers and our suppliers, conducting direct marketing, and performing statistical analysis of how our site and Services are used.
  • As outlined in the section below titled “Updating or Removing Your Personally Identifiable Information,” you have several rights regarding how we utilise your personal information.

Each section of this privacy notice contains details about us and how we gather, utilise, and retain your personal data:

  1. Our goals and our identity

This privacy notice explains how Toronto School of Technology and Strategy, Inc., our affiliates, and our international branches (collectively, “Toronto School of Technology and Strategy,” “us,” “we,” or “our”) gather, use, and share information about you through online interfaces (such as websites and mobile applications) that we own and control, including but not limited to and Toronto School of Technology and (collectively referred to herein as the “Site”). To understand what we do, please carefully read this Privacy Notice. Contact us at at any timeif you have any questions about our Privacy Notice. Our Conditions of Use also apply to your usage of our website. Our Conditions of Use contain a list of terms that are used but not defined in this privacy notice. Toronto School of Technology and Strategy, Inc., a Delaware corporation, is headquartered at 381 E. Evelyn Avenue in Mountain View, California, 94041. If you live in or are physically located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), Toronto School of Technology and Strategy is the data controller of all Personal Data (as defined below) collected through the Site and of certain Personal Data collected from third parties, as described in this Privacy Notice, unless you are enrolled in a degree programme, a MasterTrack programme, or you are in another situation for which Toronto School of Technology and Strategy has been made aware of and in which case Toronto School of Technology and Strategy is the data processor.


  1. What Information is Covered by This Privacy Notice


This Privacy Notice applies to the data we obtain about you through our website. Even though certain of the features and services on our site can be used without revealing any personal information, these features and services are required for the Content Offerings.In order to access specific features and benefits on our website, you might be needed to submit “Personal Data” (also known as information that can be used to identify you or “personal information,” or we might ask you for it). Personal data can include information about you like your name, email address, IP address, and device identifier, among other things. It is your obligation to ensure that the Personal Data you give to Toronto School of Technology and Strategy is accurate. Inaccurate information may affect the functionality of the Site, the information you learn while using the Site, and our ability to contact you. For instance, email should be maintained up to date since it is one of the primary ways, we communicate with you.


  1. What Usage on Our Site Is Acceptable?

We believe that the following are the legal justifications for processing your personal data in the ways that are described in this privacy notice:


  • Our use of your personal information is required in order to carry out our obligations under any contracts we may have with you (for instance, to abide by the Terms of Use of our Site, which you agree to by using our website, and/or to abide by our contract to provide Services to you, your academic institution, your employer, or another organisation that may be granting you access to our Services).
  • Or it may be required in order to abide by legal obligations.
  • Consent, to send you specific communications, when you give us specific information, or where we are compelled by local law to rely on your consent.
  • Our or others’ legitimate interests require the use of your personal information. Our rightful interests include:


  1. run, expand, and build our company;
  2. run our website and offer our services;
  3. choose vendors who are qualified and skilled enough;
  4. develop connections with colleagues and academic institutions;
  5. conduct statistical analysis and study;
  6. improve your business through marketing, as well as for internal administrative and auditing needs.


Depending on the type of personal information utilised and the situation, a certain activity will have one or more legal bases.

We will carry out a balancing test to ensure that your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms that demand the protection of the personal information do not outweigh our (or the other party’s) legitimate interests if we rely on our (or another party’s) legitimate interests to use your personal information.

We may occasionally use your personal information for marketing purposes with your permission (which you may withdraw at any time as described below).

By visiting your profile page, selecting the “Remove Consent” checkbox, and telling us to stop processing your personal data in that way, you can revoke your consent at any time. If you refuse, it can be more difficult for us to supply you with some of our services.



  1. What Data Do We Gather?

Using the Site, we may learn the following things about users:

  • Details on how you used our website. When users visit our site, we may track, gather, and combine data about their visit, including information about which pages were seen, when they were accessed, in what sequence, and which links were clicked. We also gather data from the URLs you used to access our website. The IP address, operating system, and browser of each user may need to be recorded in order to gather this information. An IP address can be used to determine a user’s Internet Service Provider and the location of their point of connection. Using location information, your traffic may be routed to the closest regional server to improve performance. We may use web beacons and cookies when you visit our site.Please see our Cookies Policy for additional details on how we utilise web beacons and cookies.
  • Personal information supplied by you or by third parties. We obtain Personal Data from you when you register for an account, change, or modify account information, purchase goods or services, submit to a survey, subscribe to email updates, take part in one of our open forums, send us an email, and/or use other services or content on our site. In order to reply to your inquiries, provide you with the Content Offering and/or Services you choose, provide you updates about Content Offerings or other Toronto School of Technology and Strategy events, and send you emails about site maintenance or upgrades, we may utilise the Personal Data that you provide.

-Registering an account. If you register for an account on our website, you might be required to provide us with certain Personal Data, such as your name and email address.Also, you have the option to voluntarily give us more Personal Data.

-Updates. You might be able to subscribe to updates from Toronto School of Technology and Strategy through email or by posting on areas of the website that are only accessible to registered users. You might be needed to give us Personal Data, such as your name and email address, in order to sign up for these Services.

-Forums. Toronto School of Technology and Strategy may occasionally provide public forums (the “Forums”) where you can express your opinions. To participate in the Forums, you might need to register with us and/or provide us with Personal Data, such as your name and email address. Please keep in mind that whatever you publish or make accessible on forums will be seen by everyone.In a Forum post, you should not provide any personal information about you or another individual, or any other sensitive or confidential information. For further information on how to use our Forums properly, kindly refer to our Conditions of Use and Code of Conduct.

-Participation in content offerings. Users have the option to take part in Content Offerings on or through the Site thanks to Toronto School of Technology and Strategy. You will be required to give us specific information for us to conduct a Content Offering if you wish to take part. Some of the information in this could be your name and email address.

If you take part in a Content Offering, we might gather certain user-generated content from you, such as assignments you submit, assignments that others grade for you, and feedback from peer graders. Additionally, we compile course data from test, survey, and quiz results as well as information from in-video and standalone quizzes.Apart for the information required to participate in or submit such assignments, tests, or surveys, you should not include any Personal Data or other information of a personal or sensitive character, whether relating to you or another person.


-Proof of identity. For a few Services, Toronto School of Technology and Strategy might let you authenticate your identity. You might need to give us or our third-party identity verification vendor Personal Data including your name, address, birthdate, a headshot taken with a webcam, and a photo ID document in order to sign up for these Services. Also, you might be asked for information about your income if you apply for financial aid in connection with these Services.


-Correspondence with Toronto School of Technology and Strategy. When you email us or otherwise get in touch with us, we might get personal information from you.


-Linked Websites.We may obtain personal data about you if you use our sites to access or log in to a third-party website, like Facebook.The text and/or images of your personal data that are available on the third-party website may fall under this category.


Surveys. We may obtain personal information about you when you respond to a survey that is conducted by us or a Content Provider.


-Website partners. In offering those tools and services to Toronto School of Technology and Strategy users, partner sites that are involved in the Content Offering may also gather non-financial individual-level user data on how each user interacts with those partner sites. In order to enhance our services, the services of the partner site, and the student’s educational experience, the partner sites may share that data with Toronto School of Technology and Strategy. This information includes specifics like the amount of time spent on the partner website and the pages viewed.


-Processing of payments to other parties. Through a third-party payment processing service provider, Toronto School of Technology and Strategy offers you the option to pay for Content Offerings and other Services with a credit card or another means. Please be aware that your financial information is gathered and processed by our service partner and not by Toronto School of Technology and Strategy.


  1. How We Make Use of the Data


-Details on how you used our website. By undertaking statistical analyses of the collective traits and behaviour of our users, as well as by assessing demographics and interests about certain areas of our Site, we use information about your use of the Site to develop higher quality, more helpful Services. We may also use your information to protect the security of our Services and the Site.


-Information that can be used to identify you, either directly from you or through third parties.Toronto School of Technology and Strategy will not divulge any of your personal information unless you specifically consent to it or unless otherwise stated in this privacy notice.We may disclose and utilise Personal Data in the ways listed below, in addition to the other ways outlined in this Privacy Notice.

  • Offering our services and the site. We use the Personal Data you give us to give you access to and use of the Site and to fulfil any requests you make for information, goods, or services.
  • Technical assistance and safety. Where necessary, we may utilise personal data to assist you with technical issues while also preserving the safety of our services and the site.
  • Updates. We use Personal Data that is gathered when you sign up for one of our various email or update services to send you messages about the Site or Content Offerings. We may also use your information to contact you later or to store it if we have a legal obligation to do so.
  • Forums. You should not include any personally identifying information, sensitive information, or any other information in a Forum post, whether it pertains to you or another individual. Throughout your usage of the Forums, if you choose to post personally identifying information, this information may be obtained. Via platform extensions that incorporate third-party services, such as mobile applications, we might make this data accessible.In forthcoming editions of the Content Offerings, we reserve the right to enhance and reuse Forum entries that contain personally identifiable information.We may keep a record of this information, use it to contact you or your designee(s) in the future, or give it to the content provider, commercial partners, or the course instructor(s).
  • Participation in content offers. When you participate in a Content Offering through the Site, we process the Personal Data you give us. This processing may include, but is not limited to, keeping track of your participation, progression, and completion of the Content Offerings. The instructor(s) who taught the course, any teaching assistants or other individuals the instructor(s) designated to assist in the creation, modification, or operation of the course materials, and the content provider(s) with whom they are affiliated may also receive disclosure of your Personal Data and your performance in that course. Using the information gathered when you use the Services or take a Content Offering, we may also perform predictive analysis of your success in the Content Offerings.
  • Proof of identity.For Services that require it, we might use the Personal Data we gather to verify your identity. We might also use it to verify that inputs made to the site were from you. This service might be provided by a vendor for identity verification on behalf of a third party. Your photo ID will be taken away once your profile information has been satisfactorily confirmed.
  • Correspondence from or to Toronto School of Technology and Strategy. If you send us an email or contact us in any way, we may use the information you supply to reply to your email and/or for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. If we can do so lawfully, we may also use your information to contact you in the future by archiving it or using it in other communications. We may monitor where you receive emails from us and how you respond to them (such as when you open an email or click on a link inside an email). We use this information to enhance and better target our conversations with you.
  • Messages sent to and from Toronto School of Technology and Strategy Business Partners. In cases where they are legally permitted to do so, we might divulge your personal information to Toronto School of Technology and Strategy’s content providers and other business partners so that they can notify you about their goods and services that might be of interest to you.
  • Research. We may share general course data (like quiz or assignment submissions, grades, and forum discussions), information about your activity on our site, and demographic information from surveys we conduct with them in order for our Content Providers and other business partners to conduct research on online education.
  • Contractors for Toronto School of Technology and Strategy’s operations and maintenance are informed.We collaborate with a range of service providers, vendors, and contractors to assist us offer our Services to you (collectively, “Contractors”). Our Contractors might have limited access to your Personal Data as they work to provide their products or services to us so that we can then offer our services to you. These Contractors may include vendors and suppliers who provide us with technology, services, and/or content for the maintenance and operation of the Site or the Content Offerings. Only the Personal Data legitimately necessary for them to perform their specific job obligations for us is given to these Contractors.
  • Governmental Powers; Legal Actions and Rights. In response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal processes, to establish or assert our legal rights or to safeguard our property, to respond to legal claims, or as otherwise required by law, Toronto School of Technology and Strategy may share your Personal Data with various government agencies. We reserve the right to assert or waive any legal defences or rights we may have in such circumstances. Additionally, we might divulge your Personal Data when we think it’s necessary to look into, stop, or take other appropriate action regarding illegal or potentially illegal activity; to safeguard the rights, safety, or security of Toronto School of Technology and Strategy, the Site, our users, clients, or others; or in connection with our Terms of Use and other agreements.
  • Informing Potential Buyers. When Toronto School of Technology and Strategy sells, merges, or reorganises all or nearly all of the stock, business, or assets to which your personal information belongs, it may disclose and/or transfer your personal information to an acquirer, assignee, or other successor entity.
  • e-Readers. If you use specific e-Readers or other devices to access Toronto School of Technology and Strategy materials, we may obtain Personal Data about such usage and store it for future use in research, commerce, or other endeavours.


  1. External Links

For your convenience, we may offer links to websites run by businesses other than Toronto School of Technology and Strategy (referred to as “Third Party Sites”) that we think you might find interesting. We won’t provide your Personal Data to these Third Party Sites unless we have a compelling cause to do so.We do not support and aren’t accountable for these Third Party Sites’ privacy practises. If you choose to visit one of these Third Party Sites by clicking on a link, you should read the privacy statement included on the other website to see how that Third Party Site gathers and utilises your Personal Data.


  1. Keeping personally identifiable data on file

Your Personal Data is only retained for as long as is required to fulfil the reasons for which it was collected and processed. Depending on its intended use, whether it is required to maintain, exercise, or defend our legal rights or to comply with legal duties, and whether it is, we preserve personal data for a specific amount of time.


  1. Security and Confidentiality of Personally Identifying Information

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Notice or unless such disclosure is required circumstances, such as a physical threat to you or others, as permitted by applicable law, we will protect your Personal Data with industry-standard physical, technical, and administrative security measures. We will also refrain from disclosing it to third parties without your consent or except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Notice. We cannot guarantee the security of Personal Data since there is a small chance that an unauthorised third party will be able to get around our security measures or that your information will be intercepted during transmission over the Internet because it is not a completely secure environment. Your responsibility is to keep your login information secure.Please be aware that emails are frequently not encrypted and should not be regarded as secure.


  1. Updating or Deleting Your Personal Data

You have a lot of rights in relation to your personal data.By logging into the Site, choosing “Settings” from the dropdown menu in the top right, and scrolling down to the relevant section, you can access your Personal Data, verify that it is accurate and up to date, decide whether or not you want to receive information from us or some of our partners, and ask us to delete or give you a copy of your Personal Data. For some users, especially those who are enrolled in for-credit programmes like degrees, MasterTrack certificate programmes, and other comparable offers, the ability to cancel an account may be disabled.


You can also email us at if you have any questions about your rights or would wish to exercise any of them. You have the right to ask that we: If you live or are located in the EEA, the UK, Switzerland, or another area that provides comparable rights, we will:


  1. grant us access to any personal data we may hold on you;
  2. stop your personal data from being processed for direct marketing;
  3. any outdated or erroneous Personal Data should be updated;
  4. remove any personal information we may have on you;
  5. constrain how we handle your personal data;
  6. give your personal information to a service provider who is a third party; or
  7. give you a copy of any personal information we have on you.

Wherever feasible, we attempt to respond to every request right away, and we always do so within the legal deadlines. However, keep in mind that even after your Personal Data has been deleted, there may still be copies of it in our databases, access logs, and other records, which may or may not still contain your Personal Data. Please be aware that your Personal Data may be exempt from such requests in some circumstances, such as when we must maintain it to comply with a legal obligation. When you email us with a request, we might need certain information from you so we can confirm your identity.


The EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks, which include the Privacy Shield Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement (the “Principles”), are agreements in which we participate and pledge to abide for all transfers of personal data from the European Economic Area, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom to the U.S. Visit the U.S. Department of Commerce Privacy Shield website at to learn more about the Privacy Shield. Please click here for additional information about our Privacy Shield certification. In this Privacy Shield Notification, we refer to “Personal Information” as any information that is I recorded in any format, (ii) regarding an identified or identifiable individual, and (iii) that we receive from the European Economic Area, Switzerland, or the United States.

In this Privacy Shield Notice, we refer to a specific subset of an individual’s Personal Information when we use the term “Sensitive Personal Information.” This subset includes information about that person’s race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, union membership, and health.


This Privacy Shield Notification describes our standard operating procedures for carrying out the Principles with regard to the Personal Information we gather. Please review our online Privacy Notice if you would want more information about our privacy practises in relation to data collected on this website generally.



  • Notice. Under our Conditions of Use and Privacy Notice, we shall promptly and appropriately notify you of the Personal Information we are collecting, how we plan to use it, and the categories of third parties we could share it with (and the reasons we do so). Please carefully read these documents. We will collaborate with our business partners to ensure that you receive the proper notice in cases where we process personal data on their behalf.
  • Choice. In certain situations, we may give you the option to prevent your personal information from being I disclosed to a third party (aside from a service provider as described below); (ii) used for an objective that is significantly at odds with the one for which it was initially collected (as described in our Privacy Notice), or (iii) subsequently authorised by you. Also, you have the choice to never allow your personal information to be used for direct marketing. Please check your settings to exercise this right. You can also get in touch with us at if you have any additional queries about the aforementioned.


When we handle personal data for our business partners, we collaborate with them to make sure you have access to appropriate choices (and ways to implement those choices) for limiting how your personal data is used or disclosed (where appropriate).

Despite the aforementioned, you agree that we may disclose Personal Information in the following situations without giving you the chance to decline such disclosure: I to our Content Providers and other service providers we have hired to carry out requested Services on our behalf; (ii) if we are required to do so by law or legal process; and (iii) in response to legitimate requests by law enforcement or other government authorities (which we are legally required to comply with).

Additionally, if we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets, we reserve the right to transmit Personal Information (including in the event of a reorganization, dissolution, or liquidation). If such a sale or transfer takes place, we’ll make a good faith attempt to instruct the recipient to use the Personal Information in line with this Privacy Shield Notification.


Further Transfers (Transfer to Third Parties). We will only share personal information with third parties in the following situations: (I) when the third party has given us satisfactory assurances that it will protect the information in line with this Privacy Shield Notice and the Principles; (ii) when the third party is situated in the EU or another country that the EU Commission has deemed “adequate” for privacy and must therefore abide by EU data protection laws or substantially equivalent privacy laws; or (iii) when the third party has obtained Privacy Shield certification and is individually liable for adhering to the Principles.


When we know that a third party to whom we’ve given personal data is using it in a way that conflicts with the Privacy Shield Notice or the Principles, we’ll take reasonable steps to stop or stop the processing until the third party can use the data in accordance with the Privacy Shield Notice and the Principles. If these conditions are not met, we may in some cases be held potentially accountable.


  1. Data Protection. We shall take reasonable and appropriate steps to guard against loss, misuse, and unauthorised access, disclosure, modification, and destruction of Personal Information. In order to preserve and secure Personal Information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, modification, or destruction, we have put in place the necessary physical, electronic, and administrative measures.
  2. Data integrity and goal restriction. We will handle Personal Information in a way that is appropriate for and consistent with the reason for which it was gathered or approved by you. We shall make an effort to make sure that Personal Information is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current to the degree required for those reasons.
  3. Access. You can seek reasonable access to the Personal Information we have about you, and we’ll give it to you. Apart from situations where doing so would be unreasonable given the dangers to your privacy involved or where it would violate the rights of others, we will also take reasonable steps to rectify, update, modify, or delete any information that is proven to be wrong. When we process personal data for our business partners, we shall cooperate with them to abide by such demands in accordance with the relevant legal requirements.
  4. Enforcement; recourse. We’ll keep an ongoing review of our adherence to the terms of this Privacy Shield Notification, and we’ll offer a private forum for resolving concerns about our privacy practises. We strongly advise anyone who is interested to get in touch with us first (details are provided below), and we will investigate and make an effort to settle any concerns or disagreements over the use and disclosure of Personal Information in compliance with the Principles. We have enrolled with the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (“ICDR”), a subsidiary of the American Arbitration Association, to offer independent third-party conflict resolution (free of charge) to you if your query is not adequately resolved by us. Visit to get in touch with ICDR and/or discover more about the business’ dispute resolution services, including how to file a complaint.In some cases, conflicts can be settled by using the Privacy Shield’s binding arbitration procedure. For further details, please visit the Privacy Shield website. The authority of the EU bodies will be replaced for Swiss citizens by that of the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner. The Information Commissioner’s Office will carry out this function for UK citizens.
  5. Jurisdiction. As a condition of our participation in Privacy Shield, we are subject to the investigating and enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and other authorised statutory organisations.


According to the guidelines of the EU-US or Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework, we may periodically modify this Privacy Shield Notice. This website will always have the most updated Privacy Shield Notification available. When we do so, we’ll also change the Privacy Shield Notice’s effective date, which is shown at the top. Every time you visit our website, make sure to read the most recent Privacy Shield Notification so you are informed of how we collect, utilise, and keep your personal information.



Please send us an email at if you have any queries or concerns regarding this Privacy Shield Notice, the transfer of your personal data from the EEA, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom to the U.S., our privacy practises, or your consent choices.

All rights reserved(c) Getonto (A Unit of Siphar Internationale Private Limited
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